Alcohol & Menopause

Alcohol and the Menopause

August 18, 20233 min read

Alcohol and the Menopause

Since becoming peri-menopausal (and now possibly fully menopausal), I’ve noticed that alcohol affects me more than it ever used to.  Yes, I did suffer from hangovers, but that was with a big night out and

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not just a couple of glasses of wine.  Now, a hangover seems to appear whether I’ve had one glass or loads.  My sleep is worse than normal, and the hot flushes wake me up and just roll over me like waves crashing on a beach.  I had 2 glasses of wine last night to celebrate the start of my 2-week break from the day job and I knew as soon as I got home it was a mistake.  I just felt rubbish; none of the happy haze alcohol can have, just plan fuzziness and nausea.  I went off to bed early but was awake at 3 am with hot flush after hot flush feeling like I was going to be sick and struggling to go back to sleep.  I finally fell asleep only to wake up a couple of hours later and now I’m writing this blog tired, fuzzy and I can already feel those dark clouds rolling in.  I think I’ve finally come to the realisation that alcohol just doesn’t agree with me anymore and maybe it’s time to take a break from it for a while.  So, in this blog, I pledge to stay away from alcohol for 6 weeks to see if this makes a difference.  I’m a social drinker; using alcohol to try to cover up my awkwardness and shyness, but I now need to find another way of doing this.  I’ve got a few social and business occasions coming up so

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this is perfect timing to learn how to attend these functions and have fun without a glass of wine in my hand. I’ll keep you updated through my blogs.

As peri-menopausal/menopausal women our hormones change which can make the effects of alcohol different than before.  It’s like we are back in that vicious circle I’ve mentioned before.  Our blood vessels can dilate through alcohol causing a warm sensation, which in turn, can make the hot flushes and night sweats worse.  Our sleep is disrupted after a few glasses which can lead to more night sweats and another bad night's sleep.  Rinse and repeat 😊.  I don’t know about you, but for me, alcohol can intensify my mood swings (especially the day after), and let’s face it we don’t really need anything else making us feel anxious and unleashing the ‘rage’😊.  We are already at an increased risk of osteoporosis and excessive amounts of alcohol can increase this risk further.  And let's not forget the weight gain.  Alcohol is full of empty calories that in turn lower our inhibitions which can lead to poor food choices (nothing like a greasy burger after a few drinks😊).

I’ve made the decision to stop drinking for 6 weeks to see if this makes a difference, but this is not for everyone.  I know there are many of you that love that glass of wine/pint/gin and tonic and why should we have to give something up we love?  This is all about choice.  We have so many choices taken

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away during this phase in our life, I’m not going to make you lose something else you enjoy.  However, if you are struggling with those symptoms then moderation is probably the key.  Stay hydrated, prioritise nutrition so the weight gain from alcohol is minimal and most importantly listen to your body.

As always this blog is written from my experience and you should always consult your GP if you are really struggling with anything I’ve written about.

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